2,994 research outputs found

    Nuclear attenuation of high energy multi-hadron systems in the string model

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    Nuclear attenuation of the multi-hadron systems in the string model is considered. The improved two-scale model with set of parameters obtained recently for the single hadron attenuation is used for calculation of the multiplicity ratios of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems electroproduced on nuclear and deuterium targets. The comparison of the features of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems is performed. The predictions of the model for multiplicity ratios of multi-hadron systems as functions of different convenient variables are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Simple parameterization of nuclear attenuation data

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    Based on the nuclear attenuation data obtained by the HERMES experiment on nitrogen and krypton nuclei, it is shown that the nuclear attenuation RMhR_M^{h} can be parametrised in a form of a linear polynomial P1=a11P_1=a_{11} + τa12\tau a_{12}, where τ\tau is the formation time, which depends on the energy of the virtual photon ν\nu and fraction of that energy zz carried by the final hadron. Three widely known parameterizations for τ\tau were used for the performed fit. The fit parameters a11a_{11} and a12a_{12} do not depend on ν\nu and zz

    Pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles

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    A pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles in the space--time dimensions D=2nD=2n are constructed. The canonical quantization of these theories is carried out and as a result we obtain the quantum mechanical description of neutral particle in D=2nD=2n , Weyl particle in D=2nD=2n and neutral Weyl particle in D=4n+2D=4n+2. In D=2,4(mod8)D=2,4({\rm mod}8) dimensional space--time the description of the neutral particle coincides with the field theoretical description of the Majorana particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation. In D=8k+2D=8k+2 dimensions the neutral Weyl particle coincides with the Majorana--Weyl particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, no figure

    On the theory of coherent pair production in crystals in presence of acoustic waves

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    The influence of hypersonic waves excited in a single crystal is investigated on the process of electron-positron pair creation by high-energy photons. The coherent part of the corresponding differential cross-section is derived as a function of the amplitude and wave number of the hypersound. The values of the parameters are specified for which the latter affects remarkably on the pair creation cross-section. It is shown that under certain conditions the presence of hypersonic waves can result in enhancement of the process cross-section.Comment: 10 pages, 3 EPS figure

    Casimir densities for a spherical boundary in de Sitter spacetime

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    Two-point functions, mean-squared fluctuations, and the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor operator are investigated for a massive scalar field with an arbitrary curvature coupling parameter, subject to a spherical boundary in the background of de Sitter spacetime. The field is prepared in the Bunch-Davies vacuum state and is constrained to satisfy Robin boundary conditions on the sphere. Both the interior and exterior regions are considered. For the calculation in the interior region, a mode-summation method is employed, supplemented with a variant of the generalized Abel-Plana formula. This allows us to explicitly extract the contributions to the expectation values which come from de Sitter spacetime without boundaries. We show that the vacuum energy-momentum tensor is non-diagonal with the off-diagonal component corresponding to the energy flux along the radial direction. With dependence on the boundary condition and the mass of the field, this flux can be either positive or negative. Several limiting cases of interest are then studied. In terms of the curvature coupling parameter and the mass of the field, two very different regimes are realized, which exhibit monotonic and oscillatory behavior of the vacuum expectation values, respectively, far from the sphere. The decay of the boundary induced expectation values at large distances from the sphere is shown to be power-law (monotonic or oscillating), independent of the value of the field mass.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, new paragraph about generalizations, discussion and references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Structural and energetic properties of nickel clusters: 2≤N≤1502 \le N \le 150

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    The four most stable structures of NiN_N clusters with NN from 2 to 150 have been determined using a combination of the embedded-atom method in the version of Daw, Baskes and Foiles, the {\it variable metric/quasi-Newton} method, and our own {\it Aufbau/Abbau} method. A systematic study of energetics, structure, growth, and stability of also larger clusters has been carried through without more or less severe assumptions on the initial geometries in the structure optimization, on the symmetry, or on bond lengths. It is shown that cluster growth is predominantly icosahedral with islandsislands of {\it fcc}, {\it tetrahedral} and {\it decahedral} growth. For the first time in unbiased computations it is found that Ni147_{147} is the multilayer (third Mackay) icosahedron. Further, we point to an enhanced ability of {\it fcc} clusters to compete with the icosahedral and decahedral structures in the vicinity of N=79. In addition, it is shown that conversion from the {\it hcp}/anti-Mackay kind of icosahedral growth to the {\it fcc}/Mackay one occurs within a transition layer including several cluster sizes. Moreover, we present and apply different analytical tools in studying structural and energetic properties of such a large class of clusters. These include means for identifying the overall shape, the occurrence of atomic shells, the similarity of the clusters with, e.g., fragments of the {\it fcc} crystal or of a large icosahedral cluster, and a way of analysing whether the NN-atom cluster can be considered constructed from the (N−1)(N-1)-atom one by adding an extra atom. In addition, we compare in detail with results from chemical-probe experiment. Maybe the most central result is that first for clusters with NN above 80 general trends can be identified.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figure

    Electromagnetic field and radiation for a charge moving along a helical trajectory inside a waveguide with dielectric filling

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    We investigate the electromagnetic field generated by a point charge moving along a helical trajectory inside a circular waveguide with conducting walls filled by homogeneous dielectric. The parts corresponding to the radiation field are separated and the formulae for the radiation intensity are derived for both TE and TM waves. It is shown that the main part of the radiated quanta is emitted in the form of the TE waves. Various limiting cases are considered. The results of the numerical calculations show that the insertion of the waveguide provides an additional mechanism for tuning the characteristics of the emitted radiation by choosing the parameters of the waveguide and filling medium.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, discussion, graphs, and references adde
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